Registration and Fees


For registration, access to the link provided below and fill in the registration form:

Key Dates

  • 25th July 2024 - Deadline for  IX EAAE Conservation Network Workshop registration fee payment
  • 10th- 13th September 2024 – IX EAAE Conservation Network Workshop in Genoa


  • For participants affiliated with Schools and/or Universities that are EAAE members (workshop contribution without accommodation) – 370 EUR   
  • For participants affiliated with Schools and/or Universities that are not EAAE members (workshop contribution without accommodation) – 390 EUR
  • PhD students (workshop contribution without accommodation) – 250 EUR

The fees cover materials for the workshop, coffee breaks, light lunch, social dinner, and the proofreading, editing, and publishing costs of the final book.

Payment details

  • Payment from Italy
    Payment can be made only through the voluntary payment method at the following link:
    Click on Voluntary Payment, "Pagamento spontaneo”, and select the type of payment called “DAD Dipartimento Architettura e Design - Pagamento quote di iscrizione".
    Indicate the reason for payment as "Cognome_Nome_Iscrizione_Convegno" (specify the title and dates of the conference).
  • Payment from abroad
    Payment can be made via the following IBAN: IT83I0569601400000015030X88 and BIC/SWIFT code: POSOIT22XXX. The payment should be made out to the “Department of Architecture and Design_Polytechnic School_Unige” with the reference “EAAE 2024 Dip. DAD”.

Each participant will receive the invoice in the email used in the registration process.

If the abstract has been written by multiple authors, please note that each author who wishes to attend the workshop must pay the registration fee. If only some of the authors attend the workshop, they will have to pay the fee, but the final paper, if accepted, will still be credited to all authors and published.

The date for receipt is 25 July 2024.

Payment will be confirmed and further information on the Workshop arrangements provided in August 2024.