Deadline for Registration and Fee Payment

July 25, 2024, is the last day to complete the registration process and fee payment.

We would like to kindly remind you that, to complete the registration process, payments shall be made by following these instructions:

  • Payment from Italy

Payment can be made only through the voluntary payment method at the following link:
Click on Voluntary Payment, "Pagamento spontaneo”, and select the type of payment called “DAD Dipartimento Architettura e Design - Pagamento quote di iscrizione".
Indicate the reason for payment as "Cognome_Nome_Iscrizione_Convegno" (specify the title and dates of the conference).

  • Payment from abroad

Payment can be made via the following IBAN: IT83I0569601400000015030X88 and BIC/SWIFT code: POSOIT22XXX. The payment should be made to the “Department of Architecture and Design_Polytechnic School_Unige” with the reference “EAAE 2024 Dip. DAD”.

Each participant will receive the invoice in the email used in the registration process.


Last update 25 July 2024